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A Town in the Northeast
A town is just a town until it is brought to life with memory.

A town is just a town until it is brought to life with memory.

Walking away from the arterial road screeching with life, chomping ravenously on the best chicken roll I've had in years, I listened to stories from Vivek's childhood.
A small town embedded with memories is the feeling of comfort.

You know the feeling of being bought your first pair of school shoes, the stationery shop, so relevant in your teens, the last minute shopping before school reopens, always in the evening, always that feeling or the beginning of a long summer break.

You manoeuvre the chaos, comfortable in dingy lit streets, know where everything is and the old faces behind the counters.

Wherever you live in the world, you belong to the small town you grew up in. It is just in your DNA.
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